Life After COVID-19
There was a time when movies like Contagion seemed a sci-fi thriller. But today in 2020, it just stands out as a reality on your face. We all are just living a surreal dream. Yes we are alive but life is never gonna be the same.
We love to travel. Be it for pleasure, business or relaxation. That will change as home is the safest place to be in right now. Even in the near future, travel is unlikely going to be an item on our bucket list. Some will travel but the whole process can become such ritualistic that all that we can smell is hand sanitizers everywhere. Also people just are so worried to even pass by you. Forget the occasional greeting or banters
Dating has mostly been a virtual to real world affair for the millennials. We meet someone in digital world and then follow up with a real date. Guess this might just become a virtual space affair altogether. Yes it seems we can go back to normal but kissing with masks does not excite anyone.
Meeting on a coffee table or wrapping up the day with a nice dinner was such a wonderful thing. We exist to eat delicious things. At the same time, eating out was just so refreshing. The smell of the different dishes on different tables was an appetizer. Now it’s more likely that a single sneeze will make diners disappear. Also who would like a waiter with a protecting gear taking out the orders.
Working for a living has been mans only hobby since some decades. The thought of WFH gives bosses a nightmare. Ironically the same bosses are preaching the benefits of working from home today. Time can really change perspective or let’s just say, toss any convention to the air.
Going anywhere always started with the thought of traffic snarls. Every journey was a time taking affair. You had to plan it meticulously so as to meet the punctuality tag. Now it’s not required to commute anymore. Yes its not safe anymore.
Be it running, jogging or lifting, you always loved the attention of fellow people. The whole thought of having an awesome physique to show off to some stranger & start a hot conversation has melted away. Also who knows those abs are real or photoshopped on instagram. And how do you size someone on virtual space.
We are a social being. Sounds like a cliche now. We are now just a prospective carrier of a deadly disease. It means you cannot trust anyone. So there is no option of socializing. Oh we can do it in the online space. But that changes the whole definition to some number of friends, likes, shares, tweets, feeds and some more emoticons.
Yes window shopping & virtual shopping was already in vogue but not for the same reasons. The cost benefit was the major driver here. People always liked shopping in person as it is such a physical experience.Women loved the very thought of it. Unfortunately the virus has made shopping a risky proposition. More likely a battle to survive with some not so fitting clothes.
We were always encouraged to speak up but now its mask up. How does someone speak freely with a band of cloth nearly gagging your voice. An intrinsic part of it was the tone which seems to get muffled easily with the mask. Also lip reading would be a thing of the past.